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Tuesday 27 April 2010

Dover Harbour beckons! (by Mike)

How easy one forgets the pain of the first open water swim in the freezing cold waters of the English Channel. Dover harbour may protect you from the waves but there's no escaping the ice cold grip of the cold dark waters. 4 years ago I recall entering the harbour down the pebble beach thinking how bad is this going to be.

Well the answer was .......very bad, very bad indeed. You soon forget the discomfort of walking barefoot on the polished surface of the pebbles as you visibly recoil from the shock of the sea water as if swooshes round your feet. Everyone looks at each other in semi disbelief at what lay ahead. Fortunately peer pressure and the sight of some truly crazy individuals who dive straight in is enough to keep you edging forward. You move in further and find your instinctively walking on your toes. Finally you have to take the plunge!

Those first few strokes and breaths are like you have never swum before. A mild panic flashes across your mind as you try to warm up by moving arms and legs quicker whilst keeping your head above water which is not a natural style. Your body starts to ease into its new icy environment and to swim properly you have to let your head drop into the murky waters. Next is the ice cream headache across your forehead but you accept that and the erratic breathing. You buddy up and start to focus on the task ahead....

Swim done getting out is as hard as getting in, only this time your body is so cold some lose motor functions and the ability to balance on two feet. Others need to help you dry and put clothes on. Others stand towelling off as though getting out of the bath.

The good news is that you have an hour to stop the uncontrollable shivering before going back in again!! Great!

Roll on this Saturday, whats not to like :o)

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